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Digital Humanities Course Registry
The Digital Humanities Course Registry is a curated platform that provides an overview of the growing range of teaching activities in the field of digital humanities worldwide.
The platform is a joint effort of two European research infrastructures:
How to Use DHCR
Do you want to start a university programme in digital humanities or want to study one semester abroad? Find all information about programmes and courses offered in various places and universities here on the DHCR.
The collection of courses and programmes can be viewed without registration. To ensure all content is up to date, all data in the DHCR is actively maintained by the lecturers or departments themselves. You can search for courses based on different criteria, for example location, disciplines, or degrees awarded.
The DHCR has been collecting course data since 2014. Historical data can be retrieved using the open DHCR-API.
Lecturers or progamme administrators can promote their DH-related teaching activities on the Digital Humanities Course Registry. To add data, lecturers need to sign in. We require all data contributors to actively maintain their data at least once per year.
The system will regularly send out email reminders, whenever a data set is about to expire. Course data that is not revised for one and a half year will disappear from the public listing and remains archived for future research. The system also performs regular link checking on URLs provided with the data.
What type of courses can be submitted?
- Online courses
- On-site courses
- One-off workshops or recurring courses
- BA or MA programmes
- PhD programmes or seminars
- Courses or modules
- Training of professionals (continuing education)
- Summer schools within DH
Courses held in any language or country can be submitted. We recommend providing English metadata to increase international accessibility.
The Course Registry
How to use as a Student
How to use as a Lecturer
Contact Us
National Moderators
The course entries in the DH course registry are moderated by a group of national moderators who review and approve newly entered courses, provide assistance with registration issues and disseminate the DHCR activities among the institutions of their countries.
Click here for an overview of all national moderators.
If you have any other questions about the DH course registry, please check the FAQ page or contact us here: dhcr-helpdesk /at/ clarin-dariah.eu
Bug Report
Click the button below to create a bug report on GitHub. In case you don't have a GitHub account, you can create one here. Alternatively, you can contact us via dhcr-helpdesk /at/ clarin-dariah.eu.
Report BugDissemination and Impact
Dissemination Material
Please consider featuring the DHCR by using this badge for advertising your course on institutional or personal websites.
If you were to present DH teaching activities in the registry to students or on a conference, download our PDF postcard templates for printout.
DHCR Promotion Video
Selected Presentations & Publications
Wissik, T., Edmond, J., Fischer, F., de Jong, F., Stefania Scagliola, S., Scharnhorst,A. , Schmeer, H., Scholger, W. and Leon Wessels, L. (2020). Teaching Digital Humanities Around the World:An Infrastructural Approach to a Community-Driven DH Course Registry. Library Tribune 40: 1-27. Preprint available here: https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02500871/document
Schmeer, H., Wissik, T. (2019). DH Course Regisry API. Poster presentation at the CLARIN Bazaar 2019. CLARIN Annual Conference 2019, 30 September – 2 October 2019, Leipzig, Germany.
Gheldof, T., Wessels, L., Wissik, T. (2019). The DH Course Registry: An International Platform for Finding and Promoting DH Courses. Poster presentation at the DH Benelux, 11 – 13 September 2019, Liège, Belgium.
Schmeer, H., Wissik, T. (2019). Data about DH Training and Education: the API for the DH Course Registry and its Use Cases. In DARIAH Annual Event 2019: Humanities Data – Book of Abstracts, Warsaw, Poland, 71-73.
Wissik, T. (2019). The Role of Research Infrastructures in the Area of DH Education, Training and Competence Building. In Allegrezza, Stefano (ed.) AIUCD 2019 - Book of Abstracts, Udine 2019, Italy, Associazione per l’Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale, 233-235.
Schmeer, H., Wissik, T. (2018). DH Course Registry. Poster presentation at the CLARIN Bazaar 2018. CLARIN Annual Conference 2018, 8 – 10 October 2018, Pisa, Italy.
Wissik, T. (2018). The Role of Research Infrastructures in the Area of Education & Training: The DH Course Registry and the #dariahTeach Platform as Examples. Presentation at the DH2018 pre-conference on “Innovations in Digital Humanities Pedagogy: Local, National, and International Training”, 25 June 2018, Mexico City, Mexico.
Schmeer, H. (2018). Technical Background.
Presentation at the DH Course Registry Metadatathon,
DARIAH Annual Event 2018, 24 May 2018. Paris, France.
Wissik, T. (2018). DH Course Registry: Objectives, Users, Roles & Use Cases.
Presentation at the DH Course Registry Metadatathon,
DARIAH Annual Event 2018, 24 May 2018. Paris, France.
Ping Huang, M. (2018). Introduction to the DH Course Registry.
Presentation at the DH Course Registry Metadatathon,
DARIAH Annual Event 2018, 24 May 2018. Paris, France.
Data Export and API
Data Model
The following entity relationship diagram gives an overview of entities in the DHCR. For a full description of their fields, please visit the API documentation on SwaggerHub.
Data API
For data export, analysis or custom visualisations, a public JSON data API is available.
Examples and further documentation can be found on the API homepage
The API follows the same REST principles to filter and sort the resulting set
as the web UI does. There are two important differences:
By default, the API returns both historical and current records at once, unless the
parameter "recent" is added to the query.
Default sorting of courses in the API is primary id ascending,
while courses in the web UI appear sorted by their modification date descending.
To achive the same results, both parameters "recent" and "sort=Courses.updated:desc"
have to be explicitly set in API calls.
Data Life Cycle
Course data in the DHCR is being reviewed on a regular basis by contributors. Records not updated for a certain amount of time do not appear in the DHCR website, but are being archived as historical data. National moderators are also requested to approve newly created entries.
Embedding and Filtering
The DHCR can be embedded into any other website by using an iframe. As the app follows a REST-ful URL-schema, one can pass any filter setting to the iframe by just copying the URL from your browser address bar, as you set the filters using the filter pane.
Legacy information: a special iframe embedding layout is not supported any more, the special iframe path parameter will be ignored. Also, the URL filter schema has changed due to the introduction of the new data API.
The DH Course Registry (DHCR) is a joint effort of two European research infrastructures: CLARIN-ERIC and DARIAH-EU.
Research infrastructures (RIs) are legal entities that offer technical and social infrastructures in a more stable and sustainable way than short-term research projects. They also play an important role in educating new generations of researchers.
One of the instruments for the maintenance of the DHCR is the DHCR working group in DARIAH, which aims to link research, academic teaching and the student community.
The DHCR will be maintained and further developed these two European RIs (ERICs).
The DHCR is supported by these institutions and project grants: CLARIN ERIC, DARIAH-EU, PARTHENOS (H2020 Grant Agreement n. 654119), CLARIN-PLUS (H2020 Grant Agreement n. 676529), DHCR Sustain – Improving Sustainability through Usability (DARIAH Theme 2018 (S34D)), CLARIAH-AT, CLARIAH (NL).
Since 2014, a broader variety of institutios has contributed to the DHCR project:
DARIAH-EU, CLARIN ERIC, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
eHumanities Group,
Data Archiving and Networked Services
Erasmus University Rotterdam,
University of Cologne,
Pôle Informatique de Recherche et d'Enseignement en Histoire
(PIREH / University Paris 1),
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen,
University of Graz.
DARIAH-EU Working Group.
CLARIN ERIC Training and Education.
Anna Woldrich & Iulianna van der Lek
Administrative co-chairs of the working group.
General coordination, user management, dissemination.
Patrick Akkermans
Technical co-chair of the working group.
Coordination of software development, user support and maintenance of the platform.
Former chairs
Tanja Wissik, Leon Wessels, Hendrik Schmeer
Screen Design
Lea Giesecke - Linia Design
Nicolai Herzog - Website
Social Media
Follow the DH Course Registry
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